Who feels like making some Slimy Tadpole Egg Caramel, the great energizing snack Mini Labriski eats to get her mental juices flowing in MentaloBéton!**, the second volume in the series?
This super easy recipe requires no cooking, is GLUTEN FEE and NUT FREE and there’s even a VEGAN version (if you use soy, almond, oat or cashew milk, etc.). YUMSKI!
Don’t have any caramel extract? This recipe is just as delicious if you make it with vanilla extract or even cocoa.
Want to find out more about the world of Mini Labriski? Visit the Mini Labriski page. You will also be able to print out two cool Mini Labriski colouring pages.
Want to try out Mini Labriski’s Monkey Poo recipe, the snack she eats in Sucrabolique!**, the first volume in the series? Step right this way.
**The Mini Labriski series is available in French only for now.