Livraison gratuite PARTOUT AU CANADA avec tout achat de 135 $ et plus avant taxes!
Attending one of Madame’s live presentations provides a contagious energy boost:
perfect for companies, NPCs, cities, etc.

Madame Labriski's conferences

Madame Labriski's culinary presentations

Madame Labriski's culinary workshops

The MégaRelais Madame Labriski and FitSpirit Mother/Daughter Relay

The MégaRelais Madame Labriski

Come and get your fill of endorphin happiness!
Have you heard about the Madame Labriski MégaRelais?  It’s a unique running event that takes place around the clock (day and night) over a distance of 287 km.

I'll be there. Will you? Come and meet me!

Want to stay in touch?

L’infolettre motivante
Chaque semaine, Mériane la Madame vous envoie de l’inspiration.
Au menu : recettes gourmandes et saines, découvertes, alerte circulaire, motivation, inspiration et plus encore!