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Conference -
The inspiring conference that flies by!

Do you fuel your day with Labriski treats?

You’ll leave pumped up and motivated.

I believe that anything in life is possible. As a marathon runner out of passion (3:08), I had a thirst for pounding the pavement and a hunger for surpassing myself. Running has shown me that we can always reach even higher summits. The world of Madame Labriski came into being so I could meet my personal energy needs as a runner.

Started from nothing, the project went from blog to her two bestselling cookbooks Ces galettes dont tout le monde parle and Bye-bye sucre raffiné, bonjour purée de dattes! (200,000 copies sold) and ultimately developed into an innovative food business offering various lines of products. Her mission: to reduce the (over)consumption of refined sugar in order to help improve the health of everyone on the planet.

We all have amazing inner potential. Everything is already within us. Gogogoski!

Length: 90 minutes

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About Madam

A visionary and inspiring woman

Madame Labriski is Mériane Labrie, a woman whose life is powered by date puree. A visionary entrepreneur, an author, a host of a series of conferences, a marathon runner (3:08) and the mother of two young children.

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L’infolettre motivante
Chaque semaine, Mériane la Madame vous envoie de l’inspiration.
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