Protein (skim milk powder), caramel extract and blueberries. YUM-YUMSKI! Mix them all together and what do you get? Scrumptious cookies created in collaboration with the Zoo sauvage de Saint-Félicien (in Quebec’s Lac-Saint-Jean region) to mark the birth of their two polar bear cubs (oh soooooooo adorable) brought into the world by two separate females: the CUTE AS A BUTTON cookies! Hahaha! And what do these adorable polar bear cubs eat? At first, lots of breast milk and fruit. As summer is just around the corner, let’s celebrate with these high-protein cookies inspired by our little polar bear cubs, which will provide all the energy you need to play and keep active for ages and ages and ages. Plus, they contain NO REFINED SUGAR OR FAT and can be adapted into a GLUTEN-FREE version.
Totally adorable, just like the darling little polar bear cubs, my Cute as a Button cookies will bring a smile to everyone’s face.
These post-workout recovery cookies (because they’re high in protein) are also an excellent snack to pack for an outing at the Zoo sauvage de Saint-Félicien this summer. Don’t you agree? I’m proud of this exclusive collaboration because this is a zoo that’s definitely worth the trip.
Let’s hear it for date puree and Cute as a Button energy cookies!