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Spooky Pumpkin Monkey Poos

(Puffed cereal, autumn spices and nut butter)
Mini Labriski’s pimped up energy balls
  • Preparation 15 minutes
  • Cooking -
  • Power -
  • Quantity About 25 poos
See ingredients
  • 150 g (1/2 cup) Madame Labriski vanilla date puree

  • 150 g (1/2 cup) almond butter, naturel peanut butter or Wowbutter

  • 60 g (3 cups) puffed cereal (rice, quinoa or millet) … or a mix of the 3

  • 50 g (1/3 cup) shelled pumpkin seeds

  • OPTION 1 :

    30 g (1/4 cup) dried cranberries with no added sugar

  • 25 g (2 tbsp.) purple cake confetti sprinkles

  • OPTION 2 :

    50 g (1/4 cup) chocolate chips

  • 25 g (2 tbsp.) orange cake confetti sprinkles

  • Ingredients
  • Steps
  • History


  • 150 g (1/2 cup) Madame Labriski vanilla date puree

  • 150 g (1/2 cup) almond butter, naturel peanut butter or Wowbutter

  • 60 g (3 cups) puffed cereal (rice, quinoa or millet) … or a mix of the 3

  • 50 g (1/3 cup) shelled pumpkin seeds

  • OPTION 1 :

    30 g (1/4 cup) dried cranberries with no added sugar

  • 25 g (2 tbsp.) purple cake confetti sprinkles

  • OPTION 2 :

    50 g (1/4 cup) chocolate chips

  • 25 g (2 tbsp.) orange cake confetti sprinkles

9 steps

  • Put on your happy face.

  • Put the date puree, nut butter and puffed cereal into a bowl and mix thoroughly.

  • Divide the mixture into two and put half in a second bowl.

  • In the first bowl, add the cranberries and purple confetti sprinkles.

  • Using your hands (make sure they’re nice and clean), shape the mixture into little poos, balls or any fun shape you want.

  • In the second bowl, add the chocolate chips and orange confetti sprinkles and do the same with this mixture to make poos. Hahaha!

  • Share them with all your friends.

  • Use your imagination every day and never stop believing in yourself.

  • Have you checked out the new Mini Labriski accessories at my online store?


Have you heard of Mini Labriski’s monkey poos, the super easy to make energizing snack with no added sugar? Personally, what I like about them is that you get to “play” with food and kids get to discover different textures.

I felt like trying a new take, one that’s a bit more fun for Halloween, and also change the texture slightly. These ones are called Spooky Pumpkin Monkey Poos because they have a hint of spice in honour of pumpkin season. Hahaha!

Note that the quantity of puffed cereal can vary depending on which one you choose. The main thing is, it needs to be the puffed kind in order to easily make nicely shaped Spooky Pumpkin Monkey Poos.



Yes, I want to download the Mini Labriski colouring pages.


  • Spooky Pumpkin Monkey Poos will easily keep for a week in the fridge in an airtight container.
  • You can also freeze them.

We make life easier with our date purees

We make life easier with our date purees

Date puree - Vanilla

The natural sugar in dates, fibre, minerals and… the scrumptious taste of vanilla date puree. How could anyone resist this excellent way of bringing a touch of sweetness to everyday life? How about a spoonful of vanilla date puree in your smoothie?

100% recyclable packaging.

vanille transparent

For more recipes sweetened with date puree


Where can I buy Madame Labriski date puree?

At IGA, Rachelle Béry, Marché Tradition and Bonichoix grocery stores across Quebec. My purees contain no preservatives and can be found in the fruit and vegetable section (yes, dates are fruit) near the pre-cut fruit and vegetables. If you can’t find them, simply ask a member of staff!