Livraison gratuite PARTOUT AU CANADA avec tout achat de 135 $ et plus avant taxes!
The energizing products
that are the talk of the town.

Madame Labriski food services (HRI)

At Madame Labriski, we believe that everyone should have access to quality energy products made with real ingredients. Containing no refined sugar or added fat and sweetened with date puree, our products are both wholesome and delicious.

High in fibre, they have set a very high standard.

What we’re talking about here is a food rEVOLUTION… because the time has come to bring about positive changes in the food industry.

Hotels, restaurants, institutions, cafeterias, child care and day care centres… who wants to indulge in healthy treats and snacks?

Interested in hosting one of Madame’s talks?

You want to stay in touch?

L’infolettre motivante
Chaque semaine, Mériane la Madame vous envoie de l’inspiration.
Au menu : recettes gourmandes et saines, découvertes, alerte circulaire, motivation, inspiration et plus encore!