Yes, this is the famous recipe that was published in the Journal de Montréal and the Journal de Québec newspapers!
This is a strawberry cookie-pie. I beg your pardon? A cookie-pie? Yes, because the crust tastes just like oatmeal cookies and you don’t need a rolling pin to make it. There’s no added sugar in this recipe because it’s sweetened entirely with date puree, and this strawberry cookie-pie is just as decadently delicious served cold, at room temperature and even warm with a little scoop of ice cream.
High in fibre (because it’s sweetened with date puree, of course), this summertime treat can just as easily be eaten for breakfast as it can for dessert. How amazing is that? Why have a called it a Fairy Tale instead of a pie? Because it tastes far too good and is far too healthy to be true. That’s the magic of date puree.
Bon appétit!