Chic Sweet & Savoury Bites

(Canapés: Cheese and date puree and cheese)
Magic! Simple! Deliciously perfect!
  • Preparation 15 minutes
  • Cooking -
  • Power -
  • Quantity As many as you feel like
See ingredients
  • Madame Labriski date puree

  • Your favourite crackers or crispbread

  • Your favourite cheese (goat, blue, cream, etc.)

  • A few chopped green onions or chives

  • Ingredients
  • Steps
  • History


  • Madame Labriski date puree

  • Your favourite crackers or crispbread

  • Your favourite cheese (goat, blue, cream, etc.)

  • A few chopped green onions or chives

6 steps

  • Wash your hands properly.

  • Spread the crackers on a place.

  • Add a dab of date puree to each cracker.

  • Top with some of your favourite cheese.

  • Garnish with chopped green onions or chives.

  • Savour the magic of Madame Labriski-style sweet & savoury bites!


It’s crazy all the things you can do with date puree. Ever thought of using date puree in your favourite canapé recipe? I did. And I love it. This recipe is very simple… but I can assure you it will turn any small occasion into a deliciously memorable moment. A cracker, some date puree, your favourite cheese, a sprinkle of chopped chives and presto! They’re fresh, stylish and perfect to serve as nibbles on the patio or when entertaining to celebrate a special event. Will you resist the temptation to try them?


  • It’s better to eat them within a few hours of making them.

We make life easier with our date purees

We make life easier with our date purees

Date puree - Original

Date puree is high in fibre and that’s why it can keep us going for long periods of time, while letting us enjoy the taste of pure happiness. The natural choice for all your guilt-free treats. Yumski!

100% recyclable packaging.


For more recipes sweetened with date puree


Where can I buy Madame Labriski date puree?

At IGA, Rachelle Béry, Marché Tradition and Bonichoix grocery stores across Quebec. My purees contain no preservatives and can be found in the fruit and vegetable section (yes, dates are fruit) near the pre-cut fruit and vegetables. If you can’t find them, simply ask a member of staff!