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Products that are good for you

Is there such a thing as bakery products that are healthy and also taste great? Now there is. That’s the challenge I took on with my new range of muffins and VEGAN energy cookies. Yet again, I was frustrated with the options available on the market. Why is it so hard to find cookies and muffins that are as wholesome as there are delicious? Why are we always faced with a daunting display of trans fats and empty calories?

I had this strong inner voice telling me to change things in the food world.

If my books are selling like hot cakes, it’s probably because my recipes meet certain needs, right? That’s why I made the decision to also bring about positive changes in the supermarket bakery section and prove that there are other SIMPLE ways to make muffins and cookies. Eating healthy is great, and eating healthy can feel just as decadent as eating foods that are full of empty calories and refined sugar.

It’s sometimes necessary to break with conventions and dare to think outside of the box. And that’s what I’ve done. There’s an ever-increasing number of people with food allergies and intolerances. Products are mega processed and we then wonder what’s happening with society. I decided something needed to be done: less refined sugar, less dubious fats, less empty calories, less preservatives, less artificial ingredients that lower the cost of products and more genuine, wholesome ingredients.

Genuine, fresh ingredients.
Deliciously decadent wholesome products.

That’s the message I’m putting across with my new range of Madame Labriski muffins and energy cookies available in Québec grocery stores. My bakery products are:

  • Sweetened with date puree
  • With no added fat
  • Dairy-free
  • Free from preservatives
  • With no artificial flavours or colours
  • High in fibre

As a bonus, my energy cookies are also egg-free and therefore VEGAN.

But that’s not all.

Today, when you want to make a difference in people’s health,
you also need to think about the health of the planet.

That’s what I’m talking about when I say food innovation. We need to see the broader picture, we need to bring about change. We need to eat better, yes, but we also need to do our best to be mindful of the way products are presented.

I’m very proud to be able to confirm that my muffin cases are biodegradable, and the cardboard sleeves and packaging are recyclable. The containers for my cookies are also completely biodegradable. Yes, it does slightly increase the price of the products… but it ensures that the products are mindful and helps make a deliciously environmentally-friendly difference.

Oh, and I forgot to mention that my new products, which are the talk of the town (my range of muffins and energy cookies), are also certified gluten free. It doesn’t change the world, and in terms of the taste you’d never see the difference, but it’s that little extra I know some people with appreciate.

Let me know what you think.

Bon appétiski!


Mériane, aka Madame

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