Madame Labriski is Mériane Labrie, a woman whose life is powered by date puree. A visionary entrepreneur, an author, a host of a series of conferences, a marathon runner (3:08) and the mother of two young children.
Madame Labriski talks while cooking some of the most astonishing recipes from her newly released muffin cookbook (in French only). Following the success of her famous energy cookies, the time had come to revolutionize the world of muffin recipes. Recipes that are 100% healthy and super easy to make are finally here. Sweetened with date puree, they also come in tried and tested gluten-free and vegan versions.
Driven by her boundless enthusiasm and armed with a wooden spoon, Madame Labriski takes pleasure in revealing her culinary secrets. On the menu: laughs, surprises, tastings and the answers to all your questions. A moment of pure happiness, sweetened with date puree.
Length: 50 minutes