Have you mastered the art of relaxation? I’d like to be able to tell you I’m an expert on the subject, but it’d be a lie. I’m not. I fill my void with action. The interesting thing is, when I create it’s always in total silence. Am I afraid of the blank page syndrome? No. Actually, I don’t believe in the notion of having a lack of ideas or inspiration. I know that when I listen to my little inner voice, the ideas come and great things happen. Have you ever tried? Welcome to the luxurious depths of the inner self, your inner self. Take a nice deep breath, we’re going to dive in.
Yoga. I’d love say I’m nuts about yoga. But honestly, I simply can’t. I’ve tried to like yoga but it’s just not my thing. I came to terms with that the day I realized (and accepted) the fact that we’re all unique and that it’s up to us to find our own personal way of communicating with our inner self. Phew! It’s pretty complicated what I’m trying to explain, isn’t it?
The void. We’re all afraid of the void. Some people are afraid of a blank page (which is a kind of mental void, right?), others of an emotional vacuum (that famous state of being single) or of leaping into the void (starting a business… or quite literally parachute jumping). But, emptying our head is often a very positive thing. It allows us to connect with ourselves. It allows us to attract other things within ourselves… such as fresh solutions, inspiring ideas, unusual alternatives and much more.
Unfortunately, we live in the Internet era and people spend many long minutes connected… to their phone. As if a little rectangular box that lights up (expression inspired by a song by Jérôme Minière) had some kind of extraordinary power: the ability to fill a certain void. How much time do we spend checking our emails or seeing if there’s some incredible breaking news on our social media feeds? Too much. Although I receive countless emails and messages on the Madame Labriski social media, I much too often get the impulse to grab that little rectangular box of mine and check them. Just to see. In case. Just in case, in fact. Ultimately, there are always messages. I reply to them and then I’ve immediately lost my train of thought. I recently said to myself that it was ridiculous and I needed to stop giving so much air time and importance to this device, that I should focus and concentrate on the important things that need to be done every day.
Why do we feel at such a loss when we leave the house and forget our portable telephone line that makes us feel so important? Oh wow, one of my girlfriends made a delicious-looking meal tonight. What beautiful pyjamas my friend’s niece got for her birthday. Aren’t those kittens adorable? Meanwhile, what have you done for yourself, apart from being entertained? Have you found the answer to your question? Were you connected in order to escape the void?
The void is powerful. It’s raw. It doesn’t hide anything. It’s there. It’s there all around us. It offers up a moment when anything is possible. An opportune moment you can seize to go one step further in life. A split second to decide to make progress. Had you ever perceived the void in such a way? And why do you think the void is so frightening?