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Date puree

(The guilt-free sweetener)
High in fibre, date puree is your best ally when it comes to sweetening food.
  • Preparation 10 minutes
  • Cooking 8 minutes
  • Power -
  • Quantity 750 g (2 1/2 cups)
See ingredients
  • Ingredients
  • Steps
  • History


4 steps

  • Bring the water and dates to a boil on the stovetop and simmer 8 minutes.

  • Then simply puree using a hand blender until you get a Greek yogurt like consistency.

  • That’s it!

  • Psst! You can also make date puree by putting the dates and water in a microwave-safe container and cook for 4 minutes.


Date puree is high in fibre and that’s why it keeps us going for long periods of time, as well as letting us enjoy the taste of pure happiness. The natural choice for all your guilt-free treats. Yumski!


  • 2 or 3 weeks in the fridge
  • Up to 3 months in the freezer

For more recipes sweetened with date puree


Where can I buy Madame Labriski date puree?

At IGA, Rachelle Béry, Marché Tradition and Bonichoix grocery stores across Quebec. My purees contain no preservatives and can be found in the fruit and vegetable section (yes, dates are fruit) near the pre-cut fruit and vegetables. If you can’t find them, simply ask a member of staff!