I’m delighted to be able to share this high-protein recipe I created in honour of the Chicago Marathon. Chicago… ChocoGO! Hahaha! And guess what, I’ll be running it again this year. It’s therefore the perfect moment to publish this recipe in English because it’s an excellent sports recovery snack. Why? Because it has the ideal carbohydrate to protein ratio for speeding recovery after exercise. In fact, the CHOCOGO is a substitute for the most famous sports recovery drink of them all: a glass of chocolate milk. Enjoy!
Source of protein, vitamin D, calcium, energy and love, my protein-packed creation ChocoGO is like a bone fide glass of chocolate milk… in the shape of a wholesome energy cookie. It’s an excellent snack to help you recover after a workout or simply keep you going for the rest of the day.
Fellow athletes, you’ll be amazed. Chocolate lovers, you’ll be hooked.