Livraison gratuite PARTOUT AU CANADA avec tout achat de 135 $ et plus avant taxes!
Have any questions?

I want to chat with Madame!

Would you like to invite Madame to give a talk to motivate your team? Feel like organizing a culinary workshop at your school? Looking to establish an appetizing collaboration to promote your products? Feel like injecting your event or project with a dose of Madame Labriski energy? Do you simply have something you’d like to talk to her about?

The key to success is daring to ask. Now’s the time!

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Where to find Madame Labriski products?

A partnership with Madame?

Have you been turning over an idea in your mind and are impressed by Madame Labriski’s energy?
Why not write to me now?

I’m looking forward to hearing from you!

Yes, we do provide food services!

  • Hotels,
  • Restaurants,
  • Institutions
  • Cafeterias

Offer your customers the ultimate in the world of no added refined sugar.

Want to stay in touch?

Keep up to date on all of Madame’s inspiring adventures and her latest culinary creations.