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Organic Date Syrup

  • Description
  • Ingredients
  • Nutrition facts


Organic Date Syrup

Date syrup is the perfect way to naturally sweeten your cakes, pastries, pancakes, waffles, hot beverages, savoury dishes (hurray for marinades), sauces and even salads. It will add a touch of finesse and originality to all your favourite recipes.

Date syrup, also called date molasses, is a natural sweetener made from date juice, which is cooked and reduced to obtain a syrupy consistency.

Unlike refined sugar (and several other types of syrup), date syrup contains fibre, vitamins and minerals (potassium, magnesium and iron). It has a relatively low glycaemic index, which means that it raises a person’s blood sugar levels more slowly and evenly.

A delicious way to say goodbye to refined sugar while providing essential nutrients.

Our date syrup is the product of organic farming. Its production is therefore sustainable and environmentally friendly.


Organics dates, water.

May contain : Hazelnuts, Sesame, Soy, Sulphites.

Nutrition facts

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